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  • The Best Nespresso Machine For A Flat White

    The Best Nespresso Machine For A Flat White

    What Is A Flat White? A flat white is a coffee drink consisting of espresso and milky foam. It is like a latte, but the flat white is not as big and with less milky foam. The milk itself has a consistency of a velvety foam. Each place makes it differently, but it usually consists…

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  • The 5 Best Starbucks Drinks For Studying

    The 5 Best Starbucks Drinks For Studying

    Whether you’re a high school student or college student, exams and all the studying required for them is tough and can leave you feeling pretty drained. You wouldn’t be alone in reaching for your favourite cup of java to give you a boost as recent studies suggest that in 2020, caffeine was consumed by 92%…

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  • The 5 Best Coffee Machines for Working From Home

    The 5 Best Coffee Machines for Working From Home

    A year into the pandemic, all of us have had to make sweeping changes to our lives both at work and home. One of the most notable changes is the huge (and necessary) shift towards home working with an estimated 71% of us now working at home compared to 20% the previous year [1]. Now…

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  • The 5 Best Coffee Machines for Coffee Snobs

    The 5 Best Coffee Machines for Coffee Snobs

    We all know that person. Perhaps you’ve noticed the several weird and wonderful hot beverage contraptions littering their kitchen counter or their loud proclamations that they wouldn’t dare defile their delicately balanced palate with Starbuck’s latest concoction. To them, anything milkier than an espresso is frankly, well, distasteful (don’t you dare call it an eXpresso!)…

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  • Top 5 Best Coffee Makers For Bold Coffee

    Top 5 Best Coffee Makers For Bold Coffee

    What Does Bold Coffee Taste Like? “BOLD coffee” is a rich-flavored, intense, full-body type of coffee. What it means in practice is to increase the ratio of the amount of coffee grounds to water. Another great component of bold coffee is a dark-roast coffee blend. This type of coffee is full-bodied but not bitter and…

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  • Best Coffee Beans For Siphon Coffee Makers

    Best Coffee Beans For Siphon Coffee Makers

    You may be wondering what siphon coffee actually is? Well, siphon is a type of coffee that is made when the coffee grounds are mixed with hot water and ran through a siphonage from a flask with two different chambers. The process utilizes both gravity and pressure to brew the coffee grounds through the hot…

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  • Is Siphon Coffee Any Good?

    Is Siphon Coffee Any Good?

    What Exactly Is Siphon Coffee? Siphon coffee is a way of brewing coffee that is brewed like a vacuum pot. It uses 2 pots where both vapor pressure and gravity are utilized in the brewing process. It’s a method that will mix coffee grounds with boiling water rising from the tank through siphonage to bring…

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  • What Is The Best Coffee Maker For Boondocking

    What Is The Best Coffee Maker For Boondocking

    I can almost hear the collective sound of people asking, what is boondocking? Essentially this refers to camping out with no running water, no bathrooms, no picnic tables, no electricity, or anything of the sort. Boondocking is about going very much back to basics. Sometimes a permit may be needed but otherwise, boondocking is free.…

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  • Best Coffee Makers For Airbnb Properties

    Best Coffee Makers For Airbnb Properties

    Why Does My Airbnb Property Need A Coffee Maker? Just by catering to the millions of coffee drinkers out there you could pull out ahead of the competition.. Coffee makers are mostly overlooked when advertising airbnb’s and can be a costly oversight when they’re not considered.. The good news is that you know now and…

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  • The 8 Best (and Worst) Sweetest Hot Coffee Drinks At Starbucks

    The 8 Best (and Worst) Sweetest Hot Coffee Drinks At Starbucks

    There are many people around the world who enjoy Starbucks hot coffee drinks. But have you ever thought about just how much sugar is in some of their hot drinks? We conducted a little bit of research into this and found out what are the 8 sweetest hot Starbucks drinks and ranked them from best…

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